Monday, November 26, 2018

Waiting for a driving license will not be possible, in 1 hour

Now you do not need to stand in long lines for learning driving licenses in the RTO office. The Learning Driving License will be screened on a touch screen kiosk like ATM. Blueprint has been prepared for major improvements in transports services. Where transports services are planned to organize like a passport office. If all goes well, you will get a license in less than 1 hour after passing a driving license test from April.

According to the media report, the new agency will be entrusted with the responsibility of RTO office, Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS), which is seeing RC services. For this, the international level company has been designated consultants.

Separate counter for women in each office:
After the new system takes effect, the applicant will get a token and will be called a VATing time. Each RTO office will have a help desk. After receiving the token, the information will be given to which counter to be reached. The token number will be shown on the TV screen. Then there will be a test on the touch screen for your learning license. Each office will have separate counter for women.

Test will now be done in four languages:
Currently this test is conducted in Hindi and English. Now a test will be conducted in Punjabi and Urdu too.
source vtv
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