The Constitutional Amendment Bill, which provides for 10% reservation in government jobs and higher educational institutions for the economically backward castes in the general category, was released by the Central Government in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday. On Monday, the central cabinet approved the constitutional (124th Amendment) Bill 2019, on Tuesday, in the Lok Sabha on the last day of the winter session of Parliament. The voting was conducted in this matter. Thawarchand Gehlot, the Union Social Justice and Empowerment Minister, put the bill on the home screen, against the Samajwadi Party's opposition. According to the bill, the people of economically weaker sections of the current time can not get admission in higher education institutions or government jobs in comparison to economically more prosperous citizens than them. There is a demand for approval of Article 15 of the Constitution of the Bill so that state governments can make special provisions for the development of any economically weak society of the society. This includes reserves in higher education institutions, including non-minority private education institutes. The bill also said that this reserve will be different from all the available reserves currently available. Candidates can get maximum benefit of 10% reservation.
According to the principles established in Article 46 of the Constitution, the government should take special care of educational and economic interests of the poor and especially Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the society to protect against social justice and exploitation. Till now economically weaker sections do not get the benefit of reservation. Therefore, it has been decided to improve the format to fully implement Article 4 of the Constitution and to get a fair opportunity for economically weaker sections.
Without discrimination, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Parsi, and Jewish people will benefit from all the poor who come to the Open category, they will get 10% reservation without the religion bar. Social Welfare Minister Thawarchand Gehlot said that I will come to the people of all the communities of Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Parsi, and Jewish communities in the 10 per cent reservation. The reservation base is not social or educational but economical. Participating in the debate on the issue, Union Minister Arun Jaitley said that the reservation was a part of the Opposition's manifesto. Reserves are collected for the purpose of equality for all. This provision will benefit a large part of the society. As the inequality can not be imposed in the same people, similar behavior can not be treated equally with unequal people. Due to the universal reserve the prevailing quota system will not be affected. Due to this provision, poor families can also be empowered. 10% of the total reserves do not violate the 50% reserve limit decided by the Supreme Court. The Supreme has set a limit of 50 percent reservation for caste based reservation.
The Congress demanded the bill to be sent to the Joint Parliamentary Committee
The Congress gave support to the bill, which provided 10 percent reservation to the poor families, but also demanded to hand over the bill to the Joint Parliamentary Committee before passing the bill. Congress MP KV Thomas said during the debate in the Lok Sabha that we support the bill. We are not against it, but some questions arise due to the way the bill has been taken suddenly. I request to send the bill to the Joint Parliamentary Committee.
Constitutional amendment bill also requires a seal of legislative assembly besides parliament
The presence of 50 percent MPs in the house is inevitable to pass a constitutional amendment bill. In addition to this, the bill has to pass with a majority of two-thirds majority or two-thirds majority of the MPs present in the house. This rule applies to both the houses of Parliament. After approval of the Constitutional Amendment Bill of Parliament, approval of the bill is necessary in at least 50 percent of the legislative assembly in the country.
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